Remember, we're going an extra day with the 15% off - make sure you use coupon code: 955876 and grab an extra 15% off on the fantastic items below!
Get A 1 GB MicroSD / Transflash / SD Card - Just $6.88!
Works In Digital Cameras AND Cell Phones!
A Must-Have For Everyone!
Don't Pay $40 Somewhere Else!
WOW! Here's one memory card combo you've just gotta grab! We have an awesome 1 GB MicroSD/Transflash Memory card with an SD card adapter! Works in phones AND cameras! How cool is that? One card for everything!
How's it work? The card itself is a MicroSd (also known as Transflash) card. These are what's usually used in cell phones, PDAs, ect (of course, check your phone to make sure). However, rather than just being limited to your phone, these also come with an SD Card adapter! You just pop this into the SD Adapter, and you instantly have a 1GB SD Card! So, if you need a Micro SD OR a regular SD card, this has you covered!
Great thing about these little memory cards is if you have a cell phone that allows memory cards, you can store all those cell phone photos and videos right to this card! Can you imagine how much you'd pay for a memory card for you phone at wireless store? Ouch!
You'll love that this doubles as an SD card too! In fact, for the price even if you don't need it for your phone, might as well get a couple for your camera! Just pop it into the adapter and you have a full-fledged 1GB SD card ready to go! No matter what you need memory for, this has you covered!
Plus, these are from SanDisk, so you know you're getting the best memory cards on the planet! I use SanDisk in all my equipment and I've never, ever lost an image from their cards! Super-reliable!
You cost? Again, today only, just $6.88!! (And remember, use coupon code 955876 to get another 15% off!) Is that incredible or what? Est. Retail value is $39.99 - that's a 77% savings! A year ago, you'd pay 5X that amount for a regular SD card, and with this you have both a MicroSd and a regular SD card in one! Only for today, so run to the site and get it while you can!
PS - Remember, this price on this WILL increase to $14.97 tomorrow! Get this while you can!
Killer 8 Gig Micro Hard Drive!
Just $21.97 Today ONLY (12-29-2008)!!!
You Gotta Try This!!
Best Price EVER For 8 Whoppin' Gigs Of Storage!
Oh, did we get a deal for you with this one! It's an 8 Gig Mini Hard Drive and you're really gonna love it!
This works just like a flash drive - only it doesn't set you back as much money! Just plug it into your computer and it will show up as an external drive under My Computer. From there, simply drag and drop your files! Works on any XP or Vista computer - no drivers required! WOW!
These are fantastic for any kind of files! Office documents, spreadsheets, music, photos, backup - whatever! Just pop it into your computer and drag and drop! You can even install programs on it if you like! This has the same amount of storage of 11, yes 11 CD ROMs!
The really fantastic thing about these is that you're getting a TON of storage space for a LOT less than the price of a comparable flash drive! You can easily drop $70 or more for an 8 Gig flash drive - this gives you the same storage for just $21.97! WOW!
PLUS these are super-fast USB 2.0 drives! You'll be amazed at the file transfer speed! Wait till you try it!
Want one too? I don't blame ya! Head to the link below and get in on this deal before they're gone! For just $21.97 (free US shipping), you can't go wrong! And Don't forget that to punch in your 15% off coupon code to get 'em even cheaper!!! Only a limited number available!
PS - Don't miss out! These are just GREAT! Built to last, quick, and extremely portable! Not really much bigger than a flash drive, but not nearly as expensive! Get 'em before they're sold out!
WARNING - This price WILL increase to $28.97 soon!

Saving Web Pictures
Have you ever seen a picture on a Web site that you think you just have to keep for yourself? Maybe you want to print it out and hang it on your refrigerator or perhaps you'd like to set it as your desktop background. It's just that beautiful! Either way, do you know how you can make that happen? Well, you would if you check out the tip we have on our homepage today. It gives you easy to follow step by step instructions, so check it out!
Idaho Potato Commission
I know that title sounds a little odd, but if you're a potato lover (like me!), you're going to love the cool site we have featured on our homepage for you today. Obviously, it's called the Idaho Potato Commission and it's a Web site devoted to potatoes. What could be better than that?! It has tons of recipes, fun little facts and a whole lot more. Go visit it and then whip up some potatoes of your own!
Here's the link you need: http://www.worldstart.com/ Enjoy!

Protect Your Computer
Have you noticed anything weird going on with your computer lately? Maybe it's been running rather slowly or you've been receiving several error messages. Various other things could be happening too, but if either of those two things have been going on, it sounds like your computer is not up to par. When those sort of errors occur, it means that your computer is not running efficiently and it basically just means that it's time to do some cleaning up!
I know we here at WorldStart have preached and preached about keeping your computer clean and safe, but I figured today would be the perfect day to remind you all about that. (You know, just in case you forgot!) A new year is almost among us and if you haven't been properly taking care of your computer all year long, it's time to start. You might as well make it one of your New Year's resolutions!
Okay, okay, I'll stop. You can do what you want, but just in case you do decide to listen to me, below are six common practices that you should do with your computer on a regular basis. There are obviously other things you can do too, but these are the most needed. They will help your computer to run at its best (for example, much faster) and error free. Let's go!
1.) Make sure you have the most up to date operating system that you can. No, I'm not telling you that if you have Windows 2000 to go upgrade to XP. I mean to make sure you have the latest security patches updated on the operating system that you do have. It's very easy to check on this. Just go to Start, All Programs and choose the Windows Update option. This will take you to a Microsoft Web page where you can run a test on your computer to ensure that you have the most recent updates. This is very important to do to keep your computer as safe and protected as possible.
2.) This next one is meant to help keep the contents within your operating system safe. I know you've heard this before, but be sure to have an updated antivirus software program on your computer. This is extremely important to protect your system against any threats that may come along (including viruses, worms and Trojans). You also need to run updates on this regularly. Depending on the software you use, download the updates even on a daily basis if need be. Do whatever you need to do to keep your system secure.
3.) The third most important thing is to know what actually is running on your computer. If you have knowledge of everything that's there, you will be able to identify potential risks much easier. If you need to, bring up the Task Manager on your computer right now. (To open it, just press Ctrl + Alt + Del on your keyboard). Once there, look through the list of programs that are running. If you know you don't need some of them, stop them. Most of those programs will be there from the time you boot up your system, so if you need to stop some of them, go to Start, Run and type in "msconfig." From there, click on the Startup tab and uncheck any processes that you don't think you need running. For some more help with this, read here.
4.) The next thing is to have a firewall on your computer. (Yes, I know you've heard this one before too, but it's so important, I just have to mention it again). A lot of the antivirus programs come with built in firewalls. You can also get firewall software and install it on your computer yourself, but in case you don't have one, you can always use the Windows firewall instead (and for free!) To get that, go to Start, Control Panel and click on the Security icon. From there, click on the Windows Firewall link to get it all set up and going. It will keep you safer, I promise!
5.) It's also important to clean up your toolbar. If you have some programs in your toolbar that you don't usually use, remove them. They don't need to be sitting there taking up space. Getting rid of a few of these will help your computer to run faster.
6.) Here's the last one! This is the one that includes several other things, but I'm just going to group them all into number six. You need to do complete maintenance procedures on your computer at least once a month, if not more often. These include such things as a defrag, disk cleanups and clearing out your Internet history files. Read here for just about everything you should do on a regular basis.
There you go! Hopefully this was a good reminder for all of you on what you can do to keep your computer as safe as possible. When you really think about it, you're helping yourself out right along with your computer. You'll both be happier in the end. Trust me on this one!
~ Erin
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Clean That Lens
Yeah, I know, this doesn't really seem like an overly exciting topic today, but I think it's well worth a mention! It seems like every time someone hands me his or her camera to take a photo, the lens looks like it's been dipped into a shop vac.
First off, a clean lens is an essential ingredient to great photos. A lens that's full of smudges, dirt or fingerprints cannot give you good results. Not only will you lose sharpness, but you'll also find that your color and contrast suffer. You'll end up with soft, muddy-looking photos instead of sharp, rich images full of snap. Besides, cameras aren't cheap, so why settle for less image quality than it's capable of due to grimy optics?!
Cleaning the lens is fairly simple. First, head to your local camera store and get a good lens cleaning kit. It should include both lens tissues (or a good microfiber cloth) and lens cleaning solution. When you purchase your cleaning kit, keep in mind that some "low end" kits aren't that much better for your lens than Windex and a paper towel. Don't go cheap on this! I urge you to spring for the best kit available or at least put one together yourself. No matter what you do, it's probably going to cost less than lunch at McDonalds.
Once you have your kit in hand, just put a few drops of the lens cleaning solution on a dry piece of lens tissue. Rub the lens gently in a clockwise motion (work from the center to the edges). Dry off any excess solution with a second piece of lens tissue.
Once the lens is dry, "fog" the lens with your breath. Then gently take the dry piece of lens tissue and wipe it off, again from the center outward. This step seems to get rid of any residual "soap" that may be left over from the cleaning solution.
That's really about it! Again, I want to stress how important it is for you to use good quality lens tissue on your optics and not your T-shirt or some other substitute. Anything beyond a lens tissue can put tiny scratches on your lens' coating. Over time, those tiny scratches will have the same effect as dirt or fingerprints on your lens. Treat your camera's lens with tender loving care!
~ Steve
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Subway Maps
On this Web site, you can find subway maps from all over the world! To get started, all you need to do is choose where in the world you’d like a map from. Your options to start with are: Europe, America, Australia, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Each one has its own drop down box, so you can choose the city’s subway you want a map for. Cool, huh?!
The most surprising thing to me on this site was that the maps are all so different. It’s amazing how each place translates the same kind of information into a picture and a map key.
If you would like to print out the map, you need to either click on the Acrobat or Word button near the top left corner of the map. In the top right corner, you may see a camera button or a book button.
Camera - This button will show you an image of your chosen location.
Book- This button will give you information about the city you're viewing.
You will also sometimes see a magnifying glass. That button will zoom in on the map, which will open in another window.
This is a great way to plan your visits to cities around the world. Plus, it's just pretty darn neat. Enjoy!
~ Amanda
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Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?
Send it to Amanda at amanda@worldstart.com

December Wallpaper
Here's December's wallpaper! It's all free, so enjoy!
This was shot over a beaver pond in Grand Teton National Park just a few months ago. The beavers sure knew a good spot for their pond!
Zion Narrows
The Narrows in Zion National Park is one of my all time favorite hikes. You hike most of it in the river, but you get rewarded with scenes like this all along the way!
All can be found here: